5 Days to Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey

We'll Be Online LIVE on Zoom
From Monday 28th of September 2020 at 4pm (BST)

London UK
4 PM

New York
11 AM

Los Angeles
8 AM
This isn't just about showing off a flat belly.
It's about freedom.
Freedom from the insecurities about your appearance that might weigh you down.
Freedom to look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of your body every day.
I know how badly you want to have more self-confidence and a lean, beautiful ballerina body.
Let's start working for it, together!
In only 5 Days, you'll start living
a whole new lifestyle.
And a fit and healthy, dancing lifestyle is way more fun
than traditional fitness programs anyway!
Perfect even if you haven't been exercising for a long time.
I will make you dance every day
while shaping your body.
Because during the Weightless challenge Live I want to
make sure you don't waste any of your precious time.
Over 5 days, we’ll be in the same virtual room together to tone, sculpt, and shred your body.
And we'll work on the way we feel about ourselves and our lives.
Every day I'll guide and push you to achieve your elegantly toned body, ready for anything, ready for life! (not just summer)